As a State-Certified Residential Appraiser, I have achieved the highest level of residential certification. This required 200 hours of appraisal education, 1500 hours of supervised experience over 12 months, background check, and passing the national AQB examination. Certified Residential Appraisers may complete appraisals on any one- to four-family residential property without regard to transaction value or complexity, and may also complete any noncomplex non-residential property appraisal with a transaction value less than $250,000. A Certified Residential or Certified General appraiser is required for FHA financing.
I have worked hard to establish a reputation for quality and prompt work, performed professionally and ethically, with outstanding customer service. You should never just look for a licensed appraiser; you should be discriminating in choosing your service providers. You should always be sure your appraisal service provider is licensed and in good standing. The Appraisal Subcommittee (ASC) of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) maintains a national database of appraisers and their license/certification status. Click here to view the database. Among other things, this database, which relies on reports from each state appraisal board, will tell you if a service provider you are considering has had his or her license suspended, revoked, or whether the license has lapsed. You can rest assured that my license is current and in good standing! |